The "Gender Gap"


98.5% of top half of GRE Scores are men, 1.5% are women.

The gap between  male and female GRE scores is 100 points.
ChartObject Gender Gap in Mean Physics GRE Score

The gap between male and female TIMSS scores ranges from 28 to 91 points.

Countries' TIMSS scores increase as the gap between male and female scores increase.

Males are 61.7% of those scoring over 550 in SAT Math and 21% of Bachelor's Degrees in Education.

A 1% increase in the percent of teachers who are males corresponds with a 4 point increase in TIMSS scores.

The gap between male and female NAEP Math and Science scores is consistent with other scores.

The gap between male and female ACT Math, Social Studies, and Natural Science

The gaps between male and female SAT Math, SAT Verbal, GRE Physics, TIMSS Math, TIMSS Science, IAEP Math, and IAEP Science are consistent.


The SAT Scores of 50.4% of males who take college math are higher than that of all females taking math..

The gap between males and females in SAT Math has not changed in 30 years.
ChartObject SAT Math Scores, Males & Females, 1960 to 1989

The gap between male and female ACT Math scores has not changed in 30 years.
ChartObject ACT Math Scores, Males & Females, 1960 to 1989

The gap between male and female salaries is consistent across all educational levels.
ChartObject Gender Gap in Annual Salaries

A one point increase in GRE scores demands a $50/year increase in annual salaries.

Mothers' moderate involvement in children's schooling reduces probability of children getting mostly A's by 28%.

Fathers' moderate involvement in children's schooling doubles the probability children will get mostly A's.

The gap between male and female 100 meter freestyle scores has not changed in 28 years.
ChartObject Gender Gap in 100 Meter Freestyle

The gap between male and female shot put distances has not changed in 28 years.
ChartObject Gender Gap in Shot Put

The gap between male and female 1,500 meter run times has not changed in 28 years.
ChartObject Gender Gap in 1500 Meter Run

The gap between male and female springboard diving scores has not changed in 28 years.
ChartObject Gender Gap in Olympic Springboard Diving

100% of all auto racing champions are males.
ChartObject Gender Gap in Auto Racing

100% of all world boxing champions are males.
ChartObject Gender Gap in Boxing

100% of all world and US chess champions are males.
ChartObject Gender Gap in Chess

100% of all national baseball award winners are males
ChartObject Gender Gap in Baseball

The gap between male and female leading money winners in golf has not changed in 28 years.
ChartObject Gender Gap in Golf

More than 98% of all Nobel Prize Winners have been males.
ChartObject The Gender Gap in Awards

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Last Updated on 11/19/98